
Grass brush ps
Grass brush ps

grass brush ps

Because now you're painting with, um, let me let me make it targets you could see. It's a little bit easier, but that's again another way of taking advantage of the brush tool. And instead of using the you can actually probably still use the the grass brush and just paint in the shadow that way again with a welcome tablet. Maybe you would create a exposure adjustment layer, make a darker command, I to invert is another way of inverting the layer mask. Maybe you would create, and I'm not gonna go through the whole thing, so don't worry about it. And, of course, in a composite like this, then you would go on into the other steps that we've already, um, already talked about in this, uh, in this class. We just painted that grass on there just to make it more realistic on top of everything else. So, um, just so you can get an idea of what just happened there, let me just disable the other layers. So we're cloning from a different part of the image, but we're using the grass brush to give us a more realistic effect. Maybe make it a little bit smaller we're doing on this wheel and just start painting that grass in there. What you really would want to do it If it was, it was a real composite. And that guy's a little tall, but you get the idea. I'm gonna sample by holding the option key clicking on the grass. I'm gonna select sample all layers, and I'm gonna select that same brush grass tool or I'm sorry, Grass brush. I'm going to go into the clone stamp tool. What I want to do is I want a clone grass. There is this brush here, but we're not gonna use it to, um, paint on a later, because right now if I start painting when I paint some grass But that's not really what I want to do. So these are the default brushes that come in photo shop. But there's a default grass brush and actually may just reset my my brushes here so we can see the default. I mean, zoom out and I have the brush tool and have all of these brushes. And by the way, for those of you that are wondering how something like that will be created is actually quite simple. If you really want to make things realistic, you always gotta add a little little grass into the into the floor.

Grass brush ps